EBS 기초 영독해 답지

중학영어 내신 만점을 위한 첫걸음

초등영어를 정리하고 중학으로 도약하자




해당 본문은 EBS 기초 영독해 답지 입니다.

답지의 저작권은 EBS에 있습니다. 감사합니다.



1. Going to the Dog Center
2. My House
3. My Neighborhood
4. Pictures and Letters
5. Fighting Germs
6. Winter Sleep
7. Hurricanes
8. When I Grow Up
9. We Are Twins
10. What Part of a Plant Do You Eat?
11. The Statue of Liberty
12. String Musical Instruments
13. The Arctic Tundra
14. Plastic Pollutio
15. Cyber Etiquette
16. Stomachaches
17. O2O (Online to Offline)
18. The Importance of a Sound Sleep
19. New Words Related to Low Birthrates
20. How to Manage Your Time Efficiently
21. Various Forms of Transportation in the World
22. Good Eating Habits
23. I Got the Wrong Shoes
24. Let’s Make a Blueberry Cake
25. Sneeze Etiquette
26. I Feel Angry
27. A World of Glass
28. Dancing Is Good for You
29. Cubes in Everyday Life
30. Amazing Senses


EBS 기초 영독해 답지 다운

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